"É nossa missão criar um ecossistema exemplar onde a economia e a ecologia se unem de forma a preservar o território e a população"

There is a positive correlation between scenic beauty, biological complexity, and ecological stability of ecosystems and what it can offer in terms of transversal values when we refer to the landscape, the local agriculture, the sharing of human destiny, innovation, education, cultural identity, preservation and transmission of our material and immaterial legacy.

All that is far beyond the economic gain generated by its utilitarian use especially with over-built places resulting from real estate speculation that only increase the wealth of a few people and not the citizens of the territory.

We are facing tremendous world changes: the climate issues, the collapse of biodiversity, the acidification of oceans, the rise of diseases and unhealthy food, insecurity, inequalities, not mentioning fires, heavy rains, soil erosions, etc. Altogether, it is our universal capital that is disappearing.

It is critical for the earth and our future, and we must react!

We need places to show examples of how the world should evolve in a balanced way, reconciling nature with economic activity, bequeathing to our children respected and healthy habitats.

We want to achieve the changes with a commitment of repairing what we destroyed, avoiding the mistakes already done elsewhere, showing that we do more with less and we can give a healthy future to the next generations and do it with them, not leaving them all the hard decisions.

It is an urgent obligation of our generation to make the tough but correct decisions, not leaving to others the responsibility to solve the ecological dramas that we could have prevented.

We want projects that combine peoples’ skills and the respect for nature with a low carbon footprint and higher revenues for the highest number of people, raising awareness and consciousness for the beauty of each territory.

We want to design new ecosystems which require human development policies in order to promote viable economic activities deeply respecting the fragile natural balances.

Portugal has several extraordinarily valuable and extremely fragile ecosystems.

The Comporta area is an exemplary case that deserves our utmost attention and common commitments to pave the way to preservation and environmental, social, cultural ambitions.

We need to make Comporta the symbol of these changes.


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